Emerald City

Emerald City
My home from another life...

Sunday 24 October 2010

A little tip...

Walking around London I can't help but notice how outrageous people's manicures are becoming. Extreme nail art is no longer something we only see on a crazy weaved woman's fist, whilst whooping the air screaming "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry"! Trashy nails are in. The more impractical and ghetto fabulous the better. It's everywhere. Even the most straight faced business woman can't hide her talons when swiping her Oyster card on her morning commute. I paint my nails a LOT. Rather obsessively. It's like my back up to having a social life. If I don't fancy going out, I'll catch up on the latest scandal on Essex or X Factor and paint my nails...again. So maybe I'll try being a little more adventurous?? Wah Nails (Topshop, Oxford Street) can pretty much paint any design you fancy for £25+ and are amazing. Or MINX (selected salons nationwide) last forever using ready made designs secured to the nail using an ultra violet lamp, full set approx £30. One of my bestys, Arianne, arrived at my house the other day with the most immaculately painted leopard print nails. I was certain they were professional. No-no, she'd done them DIY stylee using a selection of varnishes and a thin paint brush! They looked incredible. I'll see if I can pursuade the lovely Arie to DIY my nails and get some pics up. In the meantime check out these creations (and my lazy Sunday attempt!)...

By Wah Nails. World Cup theme.

SO ridiculous, I love them!

The most profesh, obviously...

I reckon Ri-Ri did these with a thin paint brush too...

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